Behind Every Boss There's a Bae Read online

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  His smile melted Money’s heart, she blushed a little and said, “Hey yourself!”

  “You leaving?” Kelso asked.

  “Yea, I’m gonna get something to eat and crawl in my bed.” Money said without making eye contact.

  Kelso contemplated a little and asked, “You want some company?”

  Money’s eyes widened with shock. Noticing her reaction Kelso explained, “No, no, no, I mean about getting something to eat!”

  They both busted out laughing relieved that Kelso wasn’t being disrespectful and trying to invite himself into her bed. Kelso could tell Money was thinking about his offer but talking herself out of it at the same time. Kelso said, “Come on, I don’t bite, unless you want me too?” he winked at her and gave her a sexy grin.

  Money hesitated and decided it would be fun, “You eat Coney Island?”

  “Hell yeah!” Kelso said excitingly.

  “OK” Money said nodding her head for him to follow her.

  Sinister stood in the window and watched Kelso follow Money in her car. He threw his glass of Patron at the wall which startled the stripper that was giving him head. He yelled,” “Get on up out of here!” Snapping his fingers. The stripper scurried out of the room as she heard Sinister mumbling to himself.

  Money started thinking on her way to Coney Island, “What da fuck am I doing? This goes against every rule I set.” Talking to herself as she drove, “I made it a rule never to date the customers that frequent the club. Money started to count down every reason this was a no-no. For one, it was bad business because spending time with a customer independently causes problems. When he comes into the club he will expect certain consideration, free services, acknowledgement and respect for his feelings when I’m there to make money. Secondly, once a man gets you out of the club he is no longer required to pay you for your time. Third, having a relationship with a man you met stripping, eventually he is going to demand you stop stripping even though he met you as a stripper. Fourth, a man will date you as a stripper but once the excitement of having you wears off, the disrespect, mistrust and his negative opinion of strippers comes into play. So even though Kelso has my interest, I’m very leery about fraternizing with him, but that dick though, “Whew!” Money blew out as she shook her head. Throwing caution to the wind Money and Kelso became quite the item. Kelso always treated us as though he was honored to have a beautiful family of women on his arm.


  Kelso eventually did get tired of Money stripping at the club and even though Money was just as tired, she had a family and responsibility to take care of so unless he was going to make her comfortable, she wasn’t hearing it. One night he called Money and told her to get dressed that he wanted to take her out. Money was a little irritated because he knew the weekends was her money making days but she decided to let him have his way and got dressed. Kelso picked her up in a limo and took her to a five-star restaurant called The Summit, a rotating restaurant located on the top of The Renaissance Hotel in downtown Detroit. Once they got settled, they enjoyed their food and drinks and waited for the waitress to cleared their table. Kelso started his spill, “Money I know I met you at the club and I have no opinion about that. A woman especially a mother has to do what she got to do, and I can respect that. But being a man, my ego and pride can’t handle a woman that I’m in love with to allow other men to touch her. I can’t handle it so I want you to quit dancing.” Money pursed her lips but before she could say anything he continued, “I know you’re an independent women and don’t want to be taken care of. I know you wouldn’t be comfortable with that but I promise you if you stop stripping and believe in me I promise you and your family will never want for anything!” Kelso eyes glisten when the light hit them and as much as Money wanted to let him be the man he wanted to be to her she couldn’t consent to being a kept woman. Kelso grabbed her hand and put an envelope in her hand. Money asked, “What’s this?” It’s my promise to you in writing and a good faith gesture. Money looked inside and sure enough it was a promissory note that he had notarized, the deed to her home with a receipt stating that her mortgage was at ‘0’ balance and a check for $100,000. Money didn’t know what to say, tears ran down her face and he said, “There is one more surprise!”

  “There’s more?” Money shouted trying to hold her excitement. Paying the bill Kelso grabbed Money’s hand and lead her outside. Parked out front was a cocaine white 2 seater drop top Benz. He handed the keys to the valet and said, “It all yours., brought and paid for, but you won’t be needing it for now!” Money trembled, feeling like she had to use the bathroom, she questioned, “But why?”

  Kelso took a deep breath as he looked at the sky and said, “Because I love you and I want to be the only man looking at you and touching you. I couldn’t ask you to give up your livelihood unless I prove to you that you can trust me to do as I promise, so I paid off your home, gave you $100,000 and brought you a car so you would feel comfortable with giving me a fair shot. Now you can feel comfortable about leaving the club because even if we don’t make it, you have everything you need to start fresh. So what do you say?”

  Money grabbed him, kissing him gently on the lips and said, “I can show you better than I can tell you!” Kelso grabbed her by the hand and lead her back inside to the elevators.


  Kelso was determined to make this a night Money would never forget. He reserved a suite in the Renaissance Hotel after dinner. Kelso used his key card to enter the elevator that lead to their suite. Money was floored when the doors open and saw the breathtaking view of the river and roses throughout the room. It was spacious like an apartment, had a Jacuzzi by the window to enjoy the view of the city. Kelso came up behind Money and kissed and licked the back of her neck. Money turned around and lowered Kelso’s mouth down to hers and put soft kisses all over his lips till he gave her his tongue, she lightly sucked his tongue grabbing him by the waist and walked him backward toward the bed. This would be the first time Money and Kelso made love. They both couldn’t wait to get at each other and Money started it with one of her seductive strip tease, “You ready for me to answer your question?” Money asked with a horny look on her face.


  Without hesitation, the next night when Money got to work she announced that this would be her last week working at the club. The Lion’s Den had been in existence for 15 years and their anniversary party was that Saturday. The upcoming party would pack the customers in by itself but when the managers and promoter decided to add a farewell party for The Lion’s Den main attraction Money as well, they knew the house would be packed. Money admitted that even though she’d been waiting for the day she could quit the club she was going to miss it. She had been dancing at The Lion’s Den 10 out of the 15 years it has been open. She made a lot of money in that club and the men loved her. Sinister was devastated that Money was leaving. The agonizing feeling of rejection filled his heart, his pride struggled with the reality that he and Money was never going to happen. Sinister pouted, he just knew he had a lifetime to coerce her into seeing things his way. His jealousy set in, Kelso had taken his women from him. Sinister heard his father’s voice, “Never let another man take your women away from you like you some little punk ass bitch. When you have a woman you own her ass, unless you decide you don’t want her no more, you take her life before you allow her to walk out on you! You hear me son! You killed that Bitch!” Sinister stared at Money as she worked the room that Friday night, his bruised ego told him she was a cheater, she had played him, and that she gave another nigga the pussy, his pussy and for that, she had to pay!


  Saturday night was here, and the house was packed. Everyone that was anyone was there to celebrate The Lion’s Den 15-year Anniversary and farewell to one of the hottest strippers in the D, Money. They brought in girls from California and Miami to serve the over flow of customers. Money was in the dressing room while the customers piled in. They had dancers on stage to
entertain the customers until it was time for the main attraction: Money! Sinister greeted the ballers and sent them bottles of Ciroc to their tables. He sat on his throne in his private V.I.P and looked out on the club, he had to admit adding Money’s farewell on the flyer was a brilliant idea. Smoking a blunt and sipping on expensive champagne he felt the drug take over and relieve the tension he was experiencing. Thinking on the way Money has treated him in the past years stirred his anger. He felt she always thought she was too good for him, snubbed her nose at him when he revealed his intentions, and ignored his monetary apology when he lost control the night he raped her in her home, but the slap in the face was to choose Kelso over him. Once again his father’s words haunted him, Jody’s face flashed before his eyes, “Never let another man take your women away from you like you some little punk as bitch When you have a woman you own her ass, unless you decide you don’t want her no more, you take her life before you allow her to walk out on you! You hear me son! You kill that Bitch!” Sinister’s skin got hot as his temper impelled but he slowly calmed down when he thought about earlier events.

  Earlier that day

  Sinister came into the club around 8:00 am when he knew no one would be there. He looked around at his dynasty and a small smile crept across his face, “Not bad for a black man!” as he nodded his head. Getting back to the reason he was there, Sinister went to the back to get some tools, finding what he was looking for he climbed the stairs that housed the ceiling. Taking his tool, he loosened the bolts on the two poles that serviced the main stage. He loosened the bolts enough that too much activity would have the pole crashing down but tight enough that the slightest activity wouldn’t cause a wobble. Sinister knew that Money would show up and show out. She would work that pole like a gymnast tonight and bask in all her glory. If Sinister’s plan panned out, the injuries that she should sustain when the pole gave way will teach her to be more sensitive to his feelings. Sinister could have had maintenance loosen the pole but he decided it was best to take care of that task himself, what explanation could he have given. Sinister sent out texts to all the dancers and management that the main stage was reserved for Money, so until she came out the girls were to use the alternate stages around the club. Coming out of his daze as the D.J. announces Money’s name, prompted him to sit up, he rubbed his hands together and the most sinister grin spread across his face, “Let the games begin!”


  The crowd roared when Money entered the stage, she has always worn the hottest stripper gear, but tonight she wore purple thigh high stiletto boots, a leather bustier. a leather jacket with large lapel that she wore standing up, and the jacket flowed down to the ground into a long train that dragged on the floor as she walked. She only buttoned the middle button that was between her breast which caused the jacket to stay open to show her flat 6 pack and her thick shapely thighs. Her leather purple booty shorts cut between her legs just perfectly to expose her perfect camel toe. Her hair was done up in a sloppy bun adorned with a queen tiara, and her face was beat to the Godz. She looked like the Queen Bitch she was. Sinister was at awe of her beauty, the sight before him only fueled his insanity of never being able to have her and his jealousy of Kelso. He wasn’t able to get close enough to win her heart. He stood to join in on the standing ovation Money was receiving while animosity roared in his gut.

  The music started and Money swung her cape around like she was a warrior queen, she gyrated her hips, licked her lips and winked at her customers. Men lined the stage tossing money in the air. Money had money thunder storming in The Lion’s Den. She didn’t hold back, she pulled out all the stops, making sure it was a performance to remember. Money ripped the jacket away from her bustier, dropped down in a full split and rolled over on her knees and did her famous cat walk that the men loved. Nearing the edge of the stage Money laid on her back and seductively slid her shorts off, she opened her legs, licked her fingers, and slid them inside her matching purple leather ‘g’ string. Afterward she lifted one leg at a time unzipping her boots away from her legs turning her boots into shoes. Money turned over on her stomach, pushed herself up by extending her arms and did a split in the air landing on her feet. Sinister watched as Money executed her routine with precision, his heart raced when she went over to the pole. Money twerked her flawless ass down to the floor but when she stood up she jumped up on the pole and slowly pulled herself up to the top. She wrapped her legs around the pole and turned herself upside down as she spun around, sliding half way down the pole. She lifted herself back up the pole, spreading her legs and did a side way split in the air. Money felt the pole shift but thought nothing of it and continued with her pole assassination. Money crawled back to the top and turned upside down letting her body sway backward away from the pole. With all her weight on one side of the pole, the pole disconnected from the ceiling and started to bend to one side. Money tried to flip back around so she could at least jump down but the pole ripped out of the floor and sent her crashing over the customers that was sitting on that side of the stage. Money screamed a terrifying scream as she saw she was heading straight towards the mirror behind the bar. She crashed into the mirror and the many bottles that were placed there and landed awkwardly behind the bar with her legs in the air. The bartender screamed hysterically seeing Money all broken up. The customers scattered and the bouncer and managers ran to her. They ordered everyone to stay back, not to touch her and called the EMS. The EMT slowly moved her, stabilized all her broken bones and lifted her on the gurney. The club was empty, the only ones left was dancers and workers. They all hugged each other and looked on in remorse while the EMT took Money’s vitals. They could all tell that her injuries were serious from the looks on the EMT’s faces but never did they phantom that Money was dead. She had snapped her neck from the fall and the glass she landed on punctured her heart.

  They pronounced Money dead right there in the club. Sinister looked on behind the glass as he listened to the howls and screams when they pronounced Money dead. His eyes misted and he felt remorseful for a half of a second until he saw Kelso walking out in a hurry to follow behind the EMS. Sinister never saw him enter the club that night, but then again it was so crowded in the club, it was easy for anyone to go unnoticed. Sinister’s inner demon sat on his shoulder and repeated the words of his father. Sinister shook off his sympathy and remembered all the times Money ignored him, scoffed at him and treated him like a leper. With that thought, it brought him back to his insanity, short comings, and feeling shame for the lengths he went through to get attention from Money, that he had never gotten. That sinister look came back into his eyes and reminded him, “I ain’t no little punk ass bitch!”


  Losing Money

  I was 18 years old, just finishing my last year of high school when I lost my mother. Kelso made all the funeral arrangements and sent my mother off like the beautiful queen she was. The funeral was packed like it was a night at the club. All the dancers and customers that paid her in great lengths to perform came and offered their condolences. There wasn’t a dry eye in the church. They all loved Money and witnessed when she fell to her fatal death. Sinister stood in the back corner feeling a certain kind of way about what he did. He knew he was wrong and that the last words of his father didn’t play precedence in this situation. Money was never his, she was never interested. Upset because he couldn’t have her, he ego-tripped for years and his pride would not let his obsession with her go. Money being gone left an emptiness inside of him, for what he knew of love, he felt he was in love with her in a psychotic way. Scanning the room of all the visitors he noticed a figure at the casket just before they were to take her away. Her silhouette was so familiar that he just knew it couldn’t be. The young girl turned, embraced a woman that looked worn and rough and realized it was Ro. He hasn’t seen her since she beat him for some drugs and money. He thought to himself, “Of course she would show up for the funeral, her and Money were best friends.” Sinister leaned down and
pointed out Ro to Le-Lo and said, “Get that bitch!” Thinking about how he was going to punish Ro when he got his hands on her, he continued to watched the young lady that was with Ro as she took her seat and instantly he realized that was Money’s daughter that shot him years ago. She was beautiful, a splitting image of Money. Devious thoughts started running through his mind, he mumbled to himself, “She might have just saved Ro’s life, for now anyway!” as he licked his lips at the sight of her.

  Carrying the casket out to the funeral car, Ro embraced the young girl as they followed it out with the rest of Money’s relatives and close friends. Waiting until after they laid Money into her final resting place, Sinister watched the home going from his car, not losing sight of Ro and his new love interest. Everyone had left except Ro, her son, the young girl, other family members and Kelso. They slowly walked to the car. They embraced for the last time, Kelso and the others left in the family car while Ro and the young man walked to another car. Sinister pointed at the car Ro was in and told his driver to follow them.


  Following Ro for 15 minutes, they turn on Schoolcraft onto Prest that ended in a dead end which was perfect. Ro exited the vehicle and at the same time Sinister’s two hence men, Cutty and Killer jumped out of the car. Still in mourning over Money’s death, Ro walked and cried with her head down in her tissues. Cutty grabbed her up and yanked her toward the car. Chucky jumped out the driver’s side and yelled, “HEY! LET MY MOTHER GO! Chucky standing at 6’2”, 210 lbs barreled toward the two men. Cutty pushed Ro toward Le-lo and got in a fighting stance. Le-lo ushered Ro into the car while she screamed, “Please don’t hurt my baby. Don’t hurt him, I will do anything!” Sinister watched as the young boy stood toe to toe with Cutty and Killer. He was quite impressed. Fighting furiously, Chucky gave them a good workout but the unfair fight ended when Chucky got the wind knocked out of him. Sinister blew the horn, he had seen enough. He waved Cutty and Killer back to the car and told them, “Bring that little Nigga too!” Chucky grabbed his mother checking her over to see if she was o.k. Hopping in the car, they sped off backward down the street.