Behind Every Boss There's a Bae Page 5
Down in the basement of a vacant house, they tied Chucky to a pole and tortured Ro in every way possible without killing her. Chucky fought against his restraints and screamed which sounded muffled because of the tape on his mouth. Feeling helpless, Chucky cried with his head down not wanting to watch the punishment. Le-lo stood by the door wishing he could save Ro. He gritted his teeth and clenched his jaw as he watched Ro being punished. Le-lo still had love for Ro after all those years and Ro still had love for him, but Ro wanted the high life, the top nigga. Le-lo will always be the flunky because he didn’t have leadership skills and he was weak. Le-lo didn’t like Sinister, but Sinister kept change in his pockets by letting him drive him around and do little odd jobs around the club. He swore to himself that one day he would make Sinister pay for putting his hands on Ro.
Pulling a chair in the middle of the floor, they threw Ro in it. Sinister spoke, “I can tell you were pretty good at “hide go seek” as a child because I haven’t been able to catch up with you for some years, hell I almost forgot you owed me until I saw you today. Where you been Ro, huh! Smoking up all my shit?” He smacked her across her face. Sinister continued, “My drugs and money is history from the looks of you, you ain’t got a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out!” Taking his gun out of his waist, he cocked the gun, Chucky started nutting up and trying to say something. Sinister took a step back and snatch the bloody tape off Chucky mouth.” WHAT NIGGA?” Sinister said in irritation.
Chucky was unable to catch his breath to speak clearly, he sputtered out, “What she owe you man? Sinister laughed, “Little nigga you aint got that kind of money!” Chucky slowed his breathing and stuck out his chest, “I can work off her debt, whatever you need, I got chu, just don’t kill my mother!”
Sinister contemplated what he said, thinking back on the fight with Cutty and Killer, “Ole boy did handle those hands pretty well and I could always use extra muscle.” Sinister shook his head and said, “Ok, ok, but fuck me over and you and your bum ass mama will suffer the same fate as that bitch, Money!”
Shock covered Ro’s face, “What? What do you mean, you killed Money, but how? The pole broke!”
Sinister demonstrated loosening a screw with his hands and laughed a hearty laugh but stopped abruptly. His voice deepened and came out in a roar, “DO WE HAVE A PROBLEM?”
“No! no, not at all, we good Sinister, what’s done is done!” Chucky exclaimed. Chucky and Ro was heartbroken knowing that Money was killed, killed by the man they were indebted to.
But Sinister wasn’t done, as they untied Chucky he asked, “That young lady that you were at the funeral with……?”
Ro squinted her eyes, “Who Chrissy, that Money’s daughter, what about her?
Sinister smirked, rubbing his hands together and said, “Bring her to me!”
“For what? What do you want with her, she’s just a ba…!”
Sinister cut her off, “Bring her to me within a week or all bets are off!”
With that being say Sinister turned and left with Cutty and Killer in tow, Le-lo stood there for a minute staring at Ro, his heart ached looking at the condition Ro was in because of Sinister. He reached in his pocket and handed some money to Chucky to get her home. Le-lo turned and walked out the door. He swore once again to himself that one day he would make Sinister pay for putting his hands on Ro.
When you indebted to the devil
Chucky started working at The Lion’s Den, his responsibility was to service the customers with drugs and be an additional muscle if the club needed it, but his main job was to accompany the female mules to and from their destinations. His responsibility was to protect the girls, count the money and drugs. Chucky wasn’t new to the drug game. He sold a little bit on the side to his small clientele, but now that he worked at the club they had to come there to get serviced. Chucky had a plan to come up in the game working for Sinister so this wasn’t the worst situation for him. Chucky wasn’t interested in getting into Sinister’s good graces, but he had every intention of delivering Chrissy to Sinister, not to be disloyal, but doing what was required to save his mother’s life and he figured he could protect Chrissy as well. Chucky and Chrissy have always been close, they talked just about every day, he even took her to her prom after she broke up with her boyfriend, so it was nothing to invite her to hang out with him.
Chrissy had always been curious about The Lion’s Den since her mother worked there for years. Never wanting to be a stripper, she had to admit she was intrigued with the life style, money and ballers. It was Sinister’s Big Birthday Bash and the club was having a huge party to celebrate. Chrissy wasn’t doing anything so when Chucky told her to come to the party at the club she was all in. Chrissy wore a black vest shirt that exposed her back and stopped just before her navel, black swing mini skirt with some black and gold stiletto, with gold accessories. Her hair hung long with big curls with a deep part that cause her bang to hang over one eye. When Chrissy entered the club everyone was at awe with her beauty and the fact that she was a splitting image of her mother. The dancers gave her hugs and offered their condolence. As Chucky sat her at the best seat to see the stage, Sinister grabbed her by her hand, kissed it and introduced himself, “Hello, you must be Money’s daughter; I’m Sinister, the owner, welcome to The Lion’s Den.” Chrissy let her hand melt in his palm and said, “I’m Beany.” Chucky smirked at the fact she gave him the wrong name but hey if she wanted to be Beany, then he would roll with that. Seeing her as Money all over again Sinister felt butterflies in his stomach as he guided her to his private area. Chucky was uncomfortable with her going to his VIP mainly because he couldn’t see Chrissy but mostly he couldn’t watch Sinister. As the show started, Sinister offered his condolence to Chrissy and raved about her popularity at the club. Chrissy shyly said thank you but marveled at what a handsome man he was and how power just oozed off of him. They settled in their seat and watched the show. Sinister thought back on the day he got shot and remembered the beautiful little girl holding the gun, he snickered to himself as he secretly massaged Beany’s body with his eyes. The thought of manipulating this young girl into his fold aroused him. He ordered a couple of shots of Patron while Beany excused herself to the Ladies’ Room between sets. While on her way to the bathroom Chucky called out to her and she stopped to chat with him. He just wanted to make sure she was alright and Sinister was behaving himself.
“Everything is fine and he has been a complete gentleman, stop worrying about me I’m a big girl I can handle myself.” She said.
Chucky felt an erie feeling creep up his back as he noticed the sexual prowess Chrissy would get about herself from time to time and said, “Yea well, Sinister ain’t one of those little corner boys you’re used to playing with, that’s a grown ass man, so holler if you need me and hey, why did you tell him your name was Beany?”
“Cause that’s my name!” she said as she continued to the bathroom.
Walking back to VIP, Chrissy was stopped every two steps by concerned customers and a chance to touch her. She felt like a celebrity, her mother had really made a name for herself here. Entering the VIP, Sinister chuckled, “I’m gonna have to get you your own security just for you to go to the bathroom.” Sinister ordered some drinks and added a little something to Chrissy drink to loosen her up some. After a couple of sips Chrissy skin felt hot and tingling, she felt a warmth between her legs that was building into an inferno. Sinister complimented how beautiful she was in her ear, and his hot breath felt good on her ear. Before you know it they were talking, laughing and flirting. Sinister asked, “Can you dance like your Mother, the apple couldn’t fall too far from the tree?” Chrissy stood up, glassy eyed but feeling aroused and stepped between his legs. Sinister saw Chucky straining his neck trying to check on Chrissy but Sinister hit the button and raised his glass wall. Getting comfortable, waiting for Beany to show him what she was working with, she started to dance in f
ront of him like she saw the other dancers do, bending over twerking her ass cheeks like she does at home in the mirror, lifting her already short skirt. Sinister had on a velour jogging suit, which made his hardened manhood easy excess. Spinning her around to face him, he sat her on his lap with her legs spread open. Sliding his pants down with his rod exposed he placed her pussy right on top. The thickness of his dick and the placement on her button made her quiver. Sinister grabbed her hips and pressed her down on his dick. Feeling the heat from her pussy and her juices dripping, Sinister decided to take her right then and there. Chucky thought of a question to ask Sinister so he could see what was going on, “Aye Bos……?” Chucky was pissed at what he saw. Sinister glared at Chucky and swiped his finger at his throat to threaten him, Chucky rolled his eyes, shut the door and stomped down the stairs. Chrissy was so engrossed in the feeling of the alcohol, ecstasy and his dick, she never noticed Chucky come to the door. Sinister reached under her stomach shirt and unleashed her beautiful young breast, he took to them like a baby, kissing, licking, squeezing and biting her nipple. Chrissy been having sex since she was 15 but never had it ever felt like this. Chrissy took the lead, grabbed his dick between her pussy lips and slid the length of it inside of her. Feeling her pussy leak all over his manhood drove Sinister insane. He stood up with her in his arms, cradle her legs in the crease of his elbows, spread her flower open and slowly eased more inches in. He let her bounce down on his inches, when she finally swallowed the whole thing he grabbed her by her waist and shoulder holding her in place and grind his hips to dig up in her guts. She exploded all over his dick and hands. He stroked and she bounced at the perfect rhythm. Feeling himself all the way in, he slid a slippery fore finger in her ass, slid it out and slid his middle finger inside and continued interchanging alternate fingers like he was strumming a guitar. She lost her mind, she removed her legs from around his waist and closed her legs and pussy wall around his dick with Sinister still holding her up. She held him hostage as she wrapped her arms around his neck. Sinister growled like an animal, his eyes rolled back in his head, distorted his face, and let his body mentally float as his nut build in his groin and threatened the tip of his dick. Sinister snatched himself out of her flipped her around so she would be upside down, lifted her to his mouth and went to breakfast lunch and dinner on her young snack pack. What happened next signed the deal, while he munch away at her, Chrissy deep throat his dick and licked his nuts at the same time like a pro. This paralyze Sinister and he was at her mercy. Digging his face in her flower and grabbing her button with his teeth was all he could do. She went to work using her mouth, tongue and hands. Sinister dropped to his knees and shot his load down her throat. Laying her gently on the couch, Sinister relished in the feeling of her and mumbled, “You belong to me, I will never let you go!”
Sinister didn’t realize that the club was partially empty all except the security, a few dancers that they were trying to go home with and the D.J. that was messing around with a couple of remixes. In the corner sat Chucky nursing a drink with a pissed look on his face. Sinister commanded Beany, “Go get cleaned up, I can’t have my women looking like a whore!” Beany drug herself out of the booth and wobbled to his private restroom. Looking in the mirror a sinister smile crepted across her face and said, “Yea we fucked the shit out that nigga!” Her smiled faded as she shook her head, “I don’t know about this!”
Leaving the bathroom, she saw Sinister talking to Chucky. She could tell Chucky was getting a little irate, she shook her head and laughed, “Always the big brother.” She said as she guzzled the rest of her drink.
Sinister leered at Chucky, “Listen little nigga, you work for me, you mind your own fucking business. Do I have to remind you of our deal? You focus on keeping your mama alive and I will worry about Beany! Now you get her home safe, he scoffed.
On the way home Chucky mulled over the agreement he and his mother made with Sinister. He thought he could protect Chrissy, but his hands were tied and he saw the mistake he made. Glancing over at Chrissy his eyes watered, he looked at the sky and apologized to Money for involving her baby in this mess. The long walk that Ro and Chucky had to endure when they were left by Sinister at the vacant house, Ro disclosed the obsession Sinister had with Money, and the extreme measure Sinister had pulled. At that point he understood why he wanted Chrissy.
“If that nigga hurt her, I going to kill him,” Chucky said out loud.
Chrissy feeling the effects of the drugs again, the way she was acting Chucky asked, “Damn Ma, how many drinks did you have?”
Fanning herself, rolling down the window and complaining about how hot it was she slurred, “Just a drink and a half and a shot. That couldn’t be it cause we both know I can handle more than that, wait a minute make that two drink cause I threw back the rest of my drink as I was leaving!”
Chucky eyes widen when it hit him that Chrissy had been drugged. He had seen it enough to know, the sweats, complaining about how hot it was, and the random sex made sense now because Chucky knew Chrissy didn’t even get down like that.” This nigga is gonna make me beat his ass,” Chucky concluded.
The next day Chrissy felt like shit, drinking everything out of the refrigerator. She woke up feeling like she had a sweater on her tongue, she couldn’t get enough to drink. Sinister excited to see Beany again, he blew up her phone the whole day, but no answer! That put him in a bad mood for the rest of the day, shouting, snapping on everyone, threatening and being a bully. When Chucky strolled in Sinister was on his heel, “Come here, let me holler at you for a minute!”
Chucky went into his office and sat down, Sinister licked his cigar, cut the tip and lit it, puffing the cigar and blowing out the smoke he asked, “You talk to Beany today?”
“Man how is that your business, we fam!” Chucky scoffed.
Sinister leaped across the desk and grabbed Chucky by the neck and pointed a gun to his head, “I’m not feeling your attitude little nigga just answer the fuckin’ question!”
Chucky flicked the gun away from him as he rolled his eyes and said, “Yea, I stopped through before I came to work!”
Sinister complained, “I been calling her ass all day and she didn’t pick up. Did she mention why she hasn’t been answering my calls?”
“Damn Nigga, I know you ain’t sweatin’ no bitch, all this pussy you got around here?” Chucky teased.
Sinister pistol whipped Chucky across his face, “Oh you got jokes, this is the last time I’m gonna tell you to mind your fuckin’ business!” Sinister yelled.
Picking himself off the floor, holding the side of his face Chucky said, “Man you brought your business to me!”
“JUST ANSWER THE FUCKIN’ QUESTION!” Sinister yelled in irritation.
“She didn’t say much, except she wasn’t feeling well, you should have figured that she would be out of it thanks to that shit you put in her drink!” Chucky said knowingly.
Sinister was so off guard he couldn’t deny it, “Get the fuck out my office,” he said as he went back behind the desk and picked up his cell phone.
Chucky wasn’t afraid of Sinister. Sinister wasn’t hard, he wasn’t no gangster. He didn’t earn that club or his drug connect. Everyone knew that he wasn’t the boss of either one. He followed orders from a Kingpin that lives out of the country. He didn’t have any stash houses or corner boys. He sold weight only to the customers that was already set up for him. He was only allowed to sell drugs in the club for his own personal gain. Only a soft ass nigga would agree to something like that. He was just a sick demented insecure pussy that beat on women. Sinister threw his weight around because he and his small crew was under the protection of his connect. He stayed in his club behind his bulletproof glass so if anything jumped off he could escape through his secret door and exit out next to his car. “BITCH ASS NIGGA! When this is all over his ass is going to be eliminated, and I’m going to run th
ese streets like a real nigga!” Chucky thought.
Tired of getting no response after two days, Sinister went over to Beany’s house hoping to get to spend some time with her. Pulling in front of the house he noticed a parked car in the driveway which infuriated him. Sinister exited the car mumbling, “Oh that’s why she can’t answer my call, she lying up with another nigga!” Bamming on the door like he was the police, he shouted, Beany! Beany!” Beany snatched the door open ready to cuss out whoever it was, “Why the fuck you bamming on my door like an id……., Sinister?” She said in shock. “What you doing here, how do you know where I live?” She questioned.
Sinister staggered through his word in awe with her beauty, even though her hair was all over her head, she had on frumpy pajamas and no makeup, she was beautiful, “I-I- just came by to check on you, I had not heard from you.”
Sinister opened the screen door to enter, Beany put her arm up, “I didn’t invite you in, but as you see I’m fine,” she said feeling uneasy about dude just popping up like that.
Sinister was taken aback how cold she was towards him. “Baby girl! Who at the door?” Sinister heard a man question. Kelso was coming from the den and saw Sinister at the door. Kelso grimace at the sight of him, “Hey Man, what you doing here?” he questioned.
“Oh I just came by to check on my girl, I haven’t talked to her since the night I seen her at the club.” Sinister answered with a sly look in his eyes.
“Club?” Kelso asked looking between her and Sinister.
Yeah, I went to a party with Chucky the other night!” She responded as she looked down at the floor.
“Baby girl, that’s not a place for a young lady, I would rather you not frequent a place like that, ok?” Kelso starred disappointingly at her.