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Behind Every Boss There's a Bae Page 6

  “That’s not a problem, it wasn’t really my cup of tea.” She leaned in and gave him a hug as he wrapped his arm around her shoulder.

  Sinister, still standing outside, glared at Kelso, “Aw baby girl, so you not going to come and visit me anymore, that’s ok, how about I just come and pick you up and take you to dinner and a movie?” said Sinister.

  Kelso told Chrissy to excuse them for a moment. Kelso stepped outside, “Sinister I don’t know what you thinking but Money wouldn’t be happy about you sniffing around, as far you taking Baby girl out, she 18, she a baby so that not going to happen, you just worry about you and yours cause I got this!” Kelso said stepping closer to him with his chest out.

  Sinister matched his stance and said, “What you over here playing Daddy nigga? Just because you was fucking Money don’t mean you got any authority over her!” Sinister spat. Just as the conversation was about to get heated, Chucky pulled up with a couple of bags in his hands as though they were going to be there a while.

  As Chucky walked up the side walk he looked at Sinister perplexed, “What you doing here?”

  I came to check on my girl? Sinister rolled his eyes tired of answering the same question.

  “No need for your concern, she’s in good hands.” Chucky continued up the stairs bumping him out the way.

  Sinister eyes turned cold as jealousy took over, he felt like an outsider at his own women’s home, “What yall her protector?”

  Chucky turned towards him and at the same time, Chucky and Kelso said, “With our life.

  Both men stared Sinister down. Chucky gave Kelso a dap and proceeded into the house, Kelso turned around and walked back in the house looked at Sinister and said, “I think I made myself clear!” and shut the door in his face. Sinister stood there for a minute soaking in the disrespect and once again heard his father’s words stomping back to his car he mumbling, “I got something for those niggas!” He pulled off so fast his tire screeched and his truck wobbled, Sinister was so angry he slammed his fist against the steering wheel, “I aint no little punk ass bitch!” he shouted.


  Baby girl! Come here Baby Girl! Kelso commanded. Chucky was on the couch taking the snacks out the bag. Kelso directed her to sit next to Chucky and ran his hands over his face.

  “Sweetie, I know I’m not your Dad but I love you like my own,” he started.”

  “I love you too Kelso.” she returned.

  Kelso smiled inside remembering the first time he met her, “I would never tell you nothing wrong,” looking at Chucky, “I don’t want to hear anything else about you taking her to that club Chucky, keep her out of there and stay away from Sinister!”

  Chucky shook his head, “My bad, Unc!”

  Kelso said, “I know yall grown so I’m going to tell yall something that I never spoke on.” They listened intensely. “Yall know after my mother died I spent the rest of my teenage years in a foster home for wayward boys that was ran by a women named Jody.” Kelso thought back on those days and felt a certain kinda way about what he was about to reveal, continuing, “Sinister, well… Harold at the time was also living there. Jody was a fine, thick, brown sister that to young boys was a goddess. She called upon all of us to satisfy her, if you know what I mean. Chrissy eyes bucked and Chucky put his hands over his mouth to hide a grin. “Yea, man I was in heaven, I had no grips about it, I couldn’t wait for my turn.” he laughed. Chrissy cleared her throat bringing back their attention. “Oh yea so anyway, you were only allowed to stay there till you were 18, when it was time for Harold to leave he resisted and started throwing his weight around like she belong to him and became very aggressive with her at times. The night before his 18th birthday he came to Jody’s room as we were getting out of the shower. He barged in Jody’s room demanding that he wasn’t leaving and became really irate. I stayed in the bathroom thinking that she could calm him down and seeing me would just add fuel to the fire. That night, Harold raped Jody and strangled her to death. When Harold left I got the hell out of there and went back to my room and pretended like I didn’t see or know anything, till this day Harold has no idea I saw what happened that night. I’m telling you this because I want you to know why it’s a must that you have nothing to do with him, he is a sick demented punk and if I had my way Chucky you wouldn’t work there either, but you’re a grown man and I can’t tell you what to do but you watch your back.” Kelso concluded.

  Chrissy sitting there in shock shook her head in understanding, “Kelso you don’t have to worry about that, I only met him that one time, I don’t even know him like that, that’s why I’m shocked that he even came by here!

  Chucky looked side eye at Chrissy because he witnessed them fucking right before his eyes, but left it alone, figuring that she didn’t want Kelso to know that part.

  Chucky rubbed his sweaty hands down his pants and said, “Well I got something to lay on you to.” Kelso turned his attention toward Chucky. “Well the day of Money’s funeral, Sinister and his goons swooped up on me and my mom, took us to an abandoned house and tortured my mother for some money and drugs she owed him. That’s how I ended up working for him to pay off her debt. Thinking at first he was going to kill us, he mentioned that Money’s accident wasn’t an accident.”


  Chunky lowered his head as tears rolled down his face and Chrissy sat there holding her chest. Kelso howled a grudging scream that came from his soul. He paced the floor, swinging his fist in the air, putting his arms over his head trying to contain himself. Kelso knew he had to stay calm in order to think.

  Chucky decided to be totally honest with Kelso, “Unc one more thing, Sinister demanding that I bring Chrissy to the club, his infatuation with Money extended to Chrissy and he is after her!” Looking at Chrissy, shaking, tears running down her face, not sure how to react, he grabbed her in his arms and told her it’sgoing to be ok and that he would take care of him. After they all calmed down everyone sat there deep in their own thoughts. Finally, Chucky stood up and said, “I’ve been thinking of a way to get Sinister out of the picture so I can run his shit like a real gangster, I haven’t put nothing together yet but I will.”

  Kelso lifted his head with pain and anger in his face, “Naw, I got something for that nigga for fucking with my women, he is going to pay for this shit!”

  “I agree, he is definitely going to pay but he is protected by his connect so we have to be strategic, but oh yea he is going to pay,” Chucky sneered.

  “Com’on Man, le’st go watch the game, we will come up with something.” Kelso got up and went to the bathroom, before Chucky left the room he looked at Chrissy and asked, “Why did you lie to Kelso about your interaction with Sinister?”

  “What? I didn’t fuck with that mutha fucka, why the hell would you say that, you know I don’t get down like that!” she snapped.

  Chucky shocked at her response, he said, “My bad!” Chucky turned and walked to the Den thinking, “I’m sure she fucked him. I saw that shit with my own eyes, maybe not voluntarily, but I know what I saw. Maybe she don’t remember because of the drugs.” Chucky shrugged his shoulders, “Oh well! That’s not my business so I will never bring it up again if that’s the way she wanna play it.”


  Kelso: Past to Present

  “Prisoner #765398, VISITOR!” yelled the guard. Kelso slowly rose off of the bottom bunk not sure he heard correctly, he hasn’t had a visit since he came to prison nine and a half years ago. Kelso was doing a ten year bid for drug possession, he didn’t have any family or any loyal friends except his boy, Gunny, who was killed the night he was arrested. Slowly entering the visitor room, perplexed about who came to see him, he frowned when he saw Sinister. “What this nigga want?” he thought. Sinister stood up with a big grin on his face, “What up, my nigga?” Sinister greeted. They bumped f
ist and sat across from each other. Sinister and Kelso were frienemies from back in the day when they both were residents at a group home ran by Jody . Kelso never really cared for Sinister, he thought he was too cocky and a bully, but they never had a problem. Relaxing back in his chair Sinister leaned forward and told Kelso he had a proposition for him and if he would do him one solid, it could be very lucrative for him. Kelso leaned up with his elbows resting on the table and listen intently to what Sinister had to say. He pondered on his proposition, Kelso had already served nine and half years of a ten year bid, scheduled to be released by the end of the year. He didn’t know if he wanted to risk his future freedom. After Sinister’s sweet offer to set him up after his release, Kelso shook his head yes.

  Kelso talked to his boys once he got back to his cell. Kelso offered all of them 10,000 to be paid to their families if they participated in his plan once he hit the bricks. Kelso laid back on his bunk and waited for dinner. After count the men entered the cafeteria and sat at their usual table. Once everyone was settled, the inmates started banging their table with their tin cups and the whole cafeteria blended in. The security guard became riled up and hit the button for additional guards. A fight broke out and that started an all-out brawl between the opposing clicks that hated each other. Kelso saw his target and moved towards him without being noticed. With all the drama, he snuck up behind Cortez grabbed him around his neck, stabbed him in the back and twisted the shank, and to make sure that he was dead, he snapped his neck. Sirens were going off, tears gas was in the air and the extra security stormed in with extra gear. Kelso moved around to the other side of the room, got rid of the shank and laid on the floor. The prison was locked down for a month while the Warden sorted through all the drama. The riot caused 17 deaths and 24 injuries. It took a couple of months but everything went back to normal and Kelso awaited his release.

  November 24th Kelso was released from prison and as promised Sinister picked him up in a brand new Escalade with chrome rims and tinted windows. After greeting each other Sinister gave Kelso the keys, they jumped in the truck and sped off. Sinister set Kelso up with his own cleaning company that he used to clean his money, a half of million dollars and a brand new truck. Once back in the city of Detroit the two men parted ways never to speak again until he ran into each other at the Lion’s Den for his boy’s bachelor party. Kelso lived a crime free life once he was out of prison and concentrated on building his brand.


  Sinister always keep tabs on Money, she started stripping at some of the local clubs in her early twenties to maintain a living for her family. Money held Cortez down while he served his 30-year prison sentence. She was a loyal woman, kept money on his books and visited him every other week. This angered Sinister, he still believed that Money supposed to have been his, her loyalty sickened him. Sinister thought setting Cortez up and sending him to prison would put distance between him and Money and make her more accessible to him but Money didn’t have anything to do with him or the crew. Le-lo and Cortez kept in touch through letters here and there, that’s how Sinister knew what he knew since Le-lo was a part of Sinister’s security team at the club.

  Sinister decided Cortez had to die if he was going to have a shot at winning Money, she was too in love with him. Kelso was serving some time at the same prison as Cortez and Sinister decided to go and visit him and make him an offer he couldn’t refuse. Sinister was ecstatic when he heard the news on the T.V. about the riot at Jackson Prison. Cortez was named as one of the fatalities, so Sinister knew Kelso kept his word.

  Present Day

  Kelso stood in awe as Money sexily swung on the pole at The Lion’s Den, at that moment he had to have her. Once they started dating, Money painfully opened up about the love of her life and his death. Kelso took his time wooing Money, he didn’t want a ghost hanging between them so he wined and dined her and the relationship advanced at her pace. Money never revealed the name of her man and he never asked. During his 10 year bid he saw a lot of men die so it wasn’t uncommon for some not to make it outside of the prison walls. The day he was invited to her home and saw the large painting of Cortez and Money, he shook internally. He stared at the photo and instantly regretted what he had done, knowing that he was a part of Money’s grief made him feel light headed and sick to his stomach. He had tears in his eyes that he quickly wiped away as she offered him a drink from the kitchen. Gaining his composure, he answered, “Yes, please and make it a double!” Money fell asleep in his arms as they cuddled on the couch, he kissed her on the forehead and caressed her slowly as he pondered on his situation. He knew Money would never forgive him for killing Cortez even though he had no idea that she was Cortez’s women when he met her. How was he supposed to know that he would meet Cortez’s woman and fall madly in love with her? The thought of losing Money for a decision he made to finance himself once he was released from prison haunted him. Sinister was acting really strange and knowing how twisted he was, Kelso wanted Money out of that club before Sinister’s snake ass told Money about his involvement. He asked Money to give up stripping, in returned he paid off her house, gave her $100,000 and brought her a brand new car. A woman like Money would never feel secure with totally depending on a man, so he made it so she would have her own. When Money agreed to give up her lifestyle, Kelso knew he would make her his wife but as fate would have it he lost Money the night she fell to her death.


  Kelso and Chucky had a conversation revealing that according to Ro, Sinister has been obsessed with Money from the day he laid eyes on her at 15 years old. He caused so much misery in her life because she had no love for him. Chucky told him that Sinister was suspected to have snitched on Cortez that caused his incarceration. Kelso knew Sinister well enough that it was most likely the truth. Sinister hired him to kill Cortez and he did it with no questions asked and then he caused Money’s death. “That sick fuck!” was all Kelso could think. As far as Kelso was concerned, Sinister days were numbered and he was going to see to it.


  Let the games begin

  Sinister was determine to see Beany, he posted up on the corner of her street waiting for an opportunity to speak with her. He saw the front door open and anticipated interacting with her again. Cola came out of the house with her gym bag on her shoulder, she was on her way to her karate/kickboxing class. Cola was a third-degree black belt. Sinister marveled at her beauty, she was even sexier when she dressed down. Cola had her hair pulled back in a ponytail with a Nike workout outfit on that showed her six pack and matching Nike gym shoes.. Watching Cola walk to the back of her car dropping her gym bag in the trunk, Sinister sped up in the drive way before Cola could pull out. Almost colliding, Cola jumps out the car shouting, “Nigga, why you speeding up in my driveway like that! You almost tore my shit up!”

  Sinister got out of his car with his palms up, “Yo Ma, chill! I was just trying to catch you before you got away from me again!”

  “Again? What da fuck you mean, again?” Cola questioned.

  “Oh why you acting like you don’t know a nigga no mo’?” Sinister questioned.

  Cola confused, “I don’t know you! Get the fuck out of my drive way with your weak ass lines, you making me late!” Cola got in her car and slammed the door. Sinister was perplexed as he got in his car. Glancing up at Cola’s brake lights flash, he shook his head and backed out of the drive way. Cola glanced back at his car as she sped off. Sinister decided to follow her. He figured that she had to be meeting someone else to treat him like the other night at the club never happened. Cola pulled up at L.A. Fitness on 12 Mile Rd and Telegraph. Sinister waited for three hours before she came back out. She came out with a group of guys, smiling and laughing but said their goodbyes once she got to her car. Sinister didn’t know what to think, she was like a different person.


  Sinister was in a bad mood all night at the club, he watched the door as Chucky bopped in. Sinister scolded, “Chucky bring
yo ass here!”

  “Nigga who the fuck you talking to like that, I’m not your fuckin’ child!” Chucky spat back.

  Sinister waited for him to get in VIP and snatched him by the collar and threw him against the wall. “What da fuck is going on with Beany, she not returning my calls, and the other day when I saw her she acted like she didn’t even know me! She really startin’ to piss me off!”

  Chucky pushed Sinister off of him shocked that he saw Beany, “When did you see Beany?” he questioned.

  That’s none of your business!” Sinister answered.

  “Man, you better keep your hands off of me, what da fuck is your problem?” Chucky said as he straightened his clothes, he continued, “Ay I did what you asked me to do and that was to bring her to you, now the rest is your problem, if your game is that weak that’s on you!” he taunted.

  Sinister walked away rubbing his head contemplating his next move. His phone rang, snatching his phone out, Beany’s name flashed to his surprise, he answered, “H-Hello.” Sinister stutter.

  “Hey sexy, what’s been up with you?” she purred.

  “Nothing much, just chillin! How have you been?” He asked nonchalantly.

  “Better now that I’m talking to you.” She sang.

  Sinister smiled, feeling like a 13 year old boy finally talking to his crush. Sinister decided not to bring up how shady she’d been acting; he was just happy she finally called. So, when can I see you?” Sinister said with butterflies in his stomach.

  “Whenever you want to!” Beany flirted.

  Sinister said after mouthing thank you to God, “How about now?”

  “O.K. something quiet though I don’t feel like a lot of people tonight, plus I want my man all to myself. Where are you?” she asked.

  Sinister shocked that she was willing to spend some time with him, lied and said, “At home, come have dinner with me?” he asked crossing his fingers.

  “O.K.” said Beany.